The Beginning
In 1971, a young Pietro Carbone, just in his early twenties, turned his vision into reality by opening Centro Moda Carbone in Piano di Sorrento.
His idea was clear: to create not just a clothing store, but a true “Fashion Center.” At a time when Piano di Sorrento was emerging as a commercial hub for the entire Sorrento Peninsula, Carbone chose this strategic location to fulfill his dream.
The Idea
Carbone envisioned a place where customers could find everything they needed: from fine fabrics to quality linens, from casual wear to formal attire for the most important occasions. To bring this vision to life, he entrusted the Sorrentine architect Gaetano Mascolo, who designed a space of over 200 square meters, paying attention to every detail. The interiors, custom-made by local artisans and adorned with brass finishes and carpets, reflected a timeless elegance, which still characterizes the store today.
The Years of Change
With the boom of Prêt-à-Porter in the 1970s, Made in Italy was beginning to conquer the European scene and beyond, thanks to its unmistakable creativity and quality. Centro Moda Carbone also adapted to this evolution: the shelves originally dedicated to fabrics made way for ready-made clothing, carefully arranged to offer a wide selection of garments ready to wear. While embracing new trends, the store always maintained its focus on detail and quality, which set it apart.
A Reference Point
Over the years, Centro Moda Carbone became an institution, known for its selection of fine fabrics, prestigious brands, and top-notch customer service. The wide range of sizes and models, along with the expertise of the skilled seamstresses the store employed over the years, ensured that every garment sold fit perfectly, almost as if tailor-made. This commitment solidified the reputation of Centro Moda Carbone as a reference point for fashion in the Sorrento Peninsula and beyond
Un’Evoluzione Sostenibile
Oggi, in un mondo dominato dal fast fashion e dalla sovrapproduzione, il Centro Moda Carbone continua a distinguersi per la sua ricerca di prodotti di qualità, sostenibili e duraturi nel tempo. Rimane fedele alla sua tradizione di eccellenza, continuando a offrire alla sua clientela un servizio impeccabile e prodotti che uniscono stile, qualità e sostenibilità.
Questa è la storia di un’azienda che ha saputo evolversi nel tempo, mantenendo intatti i valori fondamentali che l’hanno resa un punto di riferimento nella Penisola Sorrentina e oltre. Un luogo dove la moda non è solo un prodotto, ma un’esperienza che affonda le radici nella tradizione e guarda al futuro con impegno e passione.